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De Freitas Tony

De Freitas Tony

Tony de Freitas was born in 1950. As far back as he can remember he was drawing.

Tony's high school art teacher often displayed his paintings in the classroom as an example of "someone who can paint but does nothing about it."

Tony de Freitas was born in 1950. As far back as he can remember he was drawing.

Tony's high school art teacher often displayed his paintings in the classroom as an example of "someone who can paint but does nothing about it."

Initially Tony neglected his artistic talent for his love of music. Tony qualified to teach music at an early age and branched out into all styles, entertaining at many functions all over South Africa. 

Eventually Tony made the decision to fulfil his passion for painting and started painting full time. Well known watercolourist and personal friend, Wallace Hulley, constantly encouraged Tony to develop his talent. After joining the Somerset West Watercolour Society, fellow enthusiasts requested workshop opportunities to paint with him. Weekend after weekend at such painting sessions, other artists commented on Tony's ability to talk and paint at the same time.

Tony has created his very own unique style. He currently prefers working with oil. His blend of colours ring with vibrancy and a peculiarly individualistic interpretation of semi-abstract realism, the whole of which is eye-catching and effective.