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Vermeulen-Breedt Marie

Vermeulen-Breedt Marie

She was born on 7 May 1954 in Pretoria, South Africa.

After completing her school career with a distinction in art she went on to acquire a B.A. Fine Art at the University of South Africa with a distinction in painting.

She was born on 7 May 1954 in Pretoria, South Africa.

After completing her school career with a distinction in art she went on to acquire a B.A. Fine Art at the University of South Africa with a distinction in painting.

She also completed a course in portraiture at the Royal Academy in London in 1976. Studying under  tutors as George Israels and Kingsley Sutton.
Today, she is a highly successful artist whose work is in constant demand. Her work is represented in many private and corporate collections here, in Britain, Europe and the United States of America.

With technical virtuosity and a keen sense of line and colour she explored still life, landscape and portraiture, yet in the end, it was the human face and figure that fascinated her most. Her painting reflects a spirit of Romanticism while her per-occupation with light infuses her style with shades of impressionism. Her canvases create a theater for the dance of light where all kinds of objects become chunks of colour modeled by light. She succeeds in capturing the romance and poetry, light and shadow, the tenderness and vulnerability of youth in her portraits of young people and children, but can also render with accuracy incisiveness.She did portraits of prominent figures in commercial, political and educational arenas.

Vermeulen Breedt is a dedicated artist who has produced an impressive body of work. Her portraits and pure compositions are a celebration of life, emitting charm and opulence, not only of subject matter, but also of rich and vibrant use of colour and light.

Since one can easily relate to the content of her paintings, it becomes superfluous to provide explanantions. The value of the paintings lie in their ability to project a mood in much the same fashion as soothing music would do.